Despite the fact that "home is where the heart is" is one of the biggest cliches that I have ever heard, it's true. Home isn't where you live; it is where you love the most. Every year, my family, a small group of close friends, and I would get together and go camping in Yosemite. Although many tourists come from all over the world each year to see the beauty that Yosemite holds, I don't see it as just another popular spot on the map I should visit, I consider it a home. The scenery and friendships I have made at Yosemite carved a special place in my heart.
Yosemite is no doubt the most beautiful place that I have ever seen. It is filled with vibrant meadows, crystal clear rivers and streams, and enormous Sequoias. In my opinion, every part of Yosemite is breath taking, but the most amazing part of it is the granite mountains. The most famous of all the mountains is probably Half-Dome. The view at the top of the mountain is well worth the estimated 30,000 steps that it takes to get to the top. Hiking up the trail you pass several waterfalls; my favorite of which is Vernal Falls. The trail up to the top of Vernal Falls is appropriately named the mist trail because of the cool mist that bounces off the rocks and sprays onto the trails. Every year before I hiked Half Dome, we would hike up to the top of Vernal Falls and swim in the pools. Despite the fact that the water was barely above freezing, we would still swim in it, just to say we did. The first time I hiked Half Dome, the group and I woke up at five in the morning so that we could have time to hike the trail, enjoy the scenery at the top, and be back at the camp site by around five or six in the afternoon. While hiking the trail we turned a corner and standing right next to us was a baby black bear. In fear of the mom coming back and finding us, we hurried out of there and continued on our way. While up on the top, I was able to see the valley from a completely different perspective. From then on, I saw Yosemite as more than just a popular tourist spot, it was somewhere that held memories that I would always cherish.
Camping at Yosemite also allowed me to gain new friendships and strengthen old ones. I was forced to spend time with people I hadn't before, and spend time with people who were growing apart from me. My friendship with those people has grown since then; in fact, if it wasn't for camping in Yosemite, I never would've began hanging out with my best friend Gage. One year when I was six, we went to Yosemite with some of my parents friends and their kids that I had never met. They had three kids; Kyle, Summer, and Gage. Gage and I were the same age, so my parents introduced us to each other and let us play. At first, I really didn't like him; I thought that he was spastic and selfish. As the camping trip went on we had to hang out more and more, pretty soon I started wanting to hang out with him because I thought that he was really funny; now we have been best friends ever since. But I didn't only make new friendships in Yosemite, I also strengthened my relationship with my family. My sister had got in some trouble and had begun pulling away from the entire family; she didn't talk to me much and we very rarely hung out. who I had been growing apart from for quite some time. One morning I had got up early and brought my sketchbook with me to one of the streams that I was camping by so that I could draw. My sister happened to come down about twenty minutes later to take pictures of the birds. After we noticed each other, we began talking about what interests us about art and photography and realized that we also had lot of other things in common, especially our tastes in music. Being able to connect with my sister in this way enabled us to grow closer together.
Now, whenever somebody asks about home, I can't help but think about Yosemite. I'm filled with nostalgia every time I think of the good times that I have had there such as rafting down the Merced River, hiking Yosemite Falls, or riding my bike into Curry Village with my friends. We would go almost every year when I lived in California, but ever since my family and I moved to Minnesota, my parents haven't even mentioned going back to Yosemite. Although I don't think that I will be going back any time soon, I still see Yosemite as my home, and as the place where my heart truly is.