Monday, March 12, 2012


You’re carving down a hill at 20 mph when you nail a ramp and catch massive air. Oh snap!!! You’ve landed sideways and the back of your head gets whiplashed to the ground against the icy surface! I want my mommy! is probably what you’re thinking at this moment. 
           Have you ever compared the advantages of snowskating to snowboarding? If not, let me tell you that there are lots of things that you can do on a snowskate that you can’t do on a snowboard.

There are many problems when it comes to snowboarding. (And, I snowboard too, so I am not dissing on boarding.) For one,if you bail on a rail (teehee that rhymes), you are probably going to end up with a split lip that will bleed all over the freshly groomed snow and you will most likely be thinking, “I just want to quit snowboarding.”

Now, a snowskate is just like a skateboard that you use in the snow,except you don’t really even need a hill like a snowboard. All you need is a parking lot (or any spot you like) after a good snowfall.  I think you have a lot more freedom on a snowskate than a snowboard like fliptricks and grabs you wouldn’t  have even imagined doing on a snowboard. And, you have that skateboarding feeling, with no bindings you can just wear skate shoes.                                                                                  

Now, if you had bailed on that same rail with a snowskate, you could have moved your legs freely and landed soundly on your tootsies without that split lip.  What do you think?


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