Thursday, May 24, 2012

To our fellow readers-

We all want our voice to be heard, and for some that is easier than others. This blog was meant to give a voice to the students of TrekNorth-- to those who have a strong voice and strong ideas, and to those whose voices are meek, yet ideas bold. I applaud those of you who put your heart on your sleeve and wrote about what mattered to you, what you wanted the world to hear. I applaud those of you who wrote (and rewrote) your blogs because you had to even though -the entire time- it felt like you were walking on nails.  Not only do I applaud all of you, I thank you.

As you read this blog, please find it in yourself to be tolerant, understanding, accepting. I believe you all have the right to be heard and to comment,  but if you can't comment anything nice, please don't comment at all. Or, at least make sure your comments matter so much to you that you sign them with your own name.

Now, I leave you with one of my all-time favorite quotes: "I may not agree what you have to say, but I will fight to the death for you to say it." - Voltaire.
So, write on, read on, and comment on!



  1. Freedom of speech is an invention sent by the liberals to kill us!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
